

"They are both really great at what they do!"

I saw Jeff (Chiropractor) and he did a great job helping me with with my clicking hips and my back when I fell off a horse. And I saw Erica (Osteo) and she gave me a lot of helpful info about my neck and back tension.

- Kayla G.

"good treatment solutions and support."

My experience with Chiropractor, Jeff has been very positive. Jeff validated my concerns and has provided me with good treatment solutions and support.

- Emmie S.

"My issues were resolved."

I needed Physiotherapist for my torn Right knee MCL and ACL. Now, two months after my initial visit and after being discharged from Physiotherapy, I walk and climb stairs without any issues and I don’t need any more braces nor compression stocking. Thanks a lot!

- Mitko V.


Chiropractic Care is available for you at our Bloor West and Kingsway clinic.

Chiropractors can help you with many other areas of the body and not just the spine. They can help you with joint or muscle pain, reduced range of motion, headaches or shooting pain, or numbness. After all, everything in our body is connected including our muscles, nerves, tendons, and bones.

These days Chiropractors use safe and proven treatment methods like soft tissue therapy, acupuncture, ultrasound, laser therapy to help you get relief from your pain. Ultimately, a chiropractor’s goal is to provide you with the best treatment options to solve your issue and get you feeling better again and there’s a lot they can do.


Dr. Jeff Belgue

Registered Chiropractor

dr jeff helping patient with knee pain

What is a Chiropractor?

A chiropractor is a healthcare provider who specializes in diagnosing and treating many different conditions related to your muscles, joints, bones, tendons, and nerves.

They’re able to treat pain or discomfort THROUGHOUT your body. This includes any sort of upper, middle, or lower back pain, neck pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, elbow and wrist pain, knee pain and ankle pain, and just about anywhere else you can think of.

Chiropractors can treat your pain with techniques like:

  • soft tissue therapy
  • acupuncture
  • other modalities like TENS, therapeutic ultrasound, and laser therapy.
  • spinal adjustments or manual manipulations
  • joint adjustment or manipulation

A chiropractor is also trained at giving you advice and telling you more about your condition.

The bottom line is that chiropractors are healthcare professionals that are trained in helping you improve the overall FUNCTION and WELLNESS of your body.

How Chiropractic Care has changed

Chiropractic Care has changed a lot over the last few years. As a matter of fact, the differences in training and treatment methods between Chiropractors and Physiotherapists are becoming smaller and smaller.

These days, people see Chiropractors for all kinds of injuries aside from backs and necks; adjustments are not even part of the treatment plan.

So if you’ve got a problem with your shoulder, your elbow, your knee, or almost anywhere else, it’s worth chatting with a Chiropractor to see how they can help you get back to being pain-free.

Listen below to what Dr. Jeff Belgue from PhysioPlus has to say about today’s modern Chiropractors.

What’s the difference Between Chiropractic Care and Physiotherapy?​​​

Chiropractic care and physiotherapy can both help with pain from an injury or chronic health condition. But which one is better for what you need?

This is a common question that’s asked by people who are seeking pain relief and treatment.  Chiropractic care and physiotherapy are two separate disciplines. Many people think that Chiropractors mostly deal with the spinal cords and neck pain and Physiotherapists deal with everything else. But these days, there’s actually a lot of overlap in the types of conditions that both these health professionals treat and the treatment methods they use.

First, let’s look at the similarities between chiropractic care and physiotherapy:

  • Both use manual hands-on treatment to relieve pain and increase mobility in the body
  • Both are trained in treating similar problems such as lower back pain, leg pain, sciatica, neck pain, muscle pain, joint pain, range of motion issues, and more.
  • Both promote exercises to help strengthen and stabilize the body.
  • Both collect your health history and conduct a thorough assessment to find the root cause to your pain
  • Both are licensed and specialized healthcare professionals with many years of education and training

As you can see, there’s a lot of overlap between what a licensed physiotherapist does and what a chiropractor does….especially if you see a chiropractor who is trained in how to treat sports injuries and works in a sports medicine clinic! 

If you’re not sure which of these health professionals you should see for your specific injury, the best way to find out might be to talk to a chiropractor or physiotherapist first so you can tell them about your injury and they can give you more details about how they would help you.

If you have questions please contact our clinic today.

What Conditions Do Chiropractors Treat?

Although chiropractors treat a wide range of conditions and injuries related to your body, here are the top 7 conditions that they usually treat.

1. Neck Pain

Neck pain is a very common condition to have.

In fact, it’s estimated that 1 in 3 people suffer from neck pain each year.

A chiropractor can assess your neck muscles and joints to determine the root cause of your pain. Then, they’ll work together with you to create a treatment plan to get rid of your pain and restore your movement.

2. Back Pain

Back pain is another common condition that affects up to 80% of adults in their lifetime.

Your back pain can affect your ability to do your normal day-to-day activities, like going to work or doing chores around your house.

A chiropractor can treat your back pain so you can get back to doing the activities you like to do.

Your chiropractic treatment can involve hands-on manual therapy where your chiropractor will safely perform a manual adjustment your spine in order to keep you mobile and pain-free.

3. Headaches

Headaches can be uncomfortable and be a major inconvenience to your schedule.

Surprisingly, many headaches are the result of the muscles or joints in your neck not functioning properly.

Your neck may be too tight or stiff which can cause pain to refer all the way up to your head which results in a headache. These are sometimes called  “tension headaches”.

A registered chiropractor can assess your neck muscles and joints to determine if it’s contributing to your neck pain.

After the assessment, they can make a diagnosis and then determine the best treatment plan to reduce your neck pain and headaches.

It’s also possible that your chiropractor will collaborate with your doctor to find you the best way to treat your neck pain as quickly as possible.

4. Jaw Pain

If you’ve been noticing pain or clicking while opening or closing your jaw, you could have an issue with your jaw joint, which is also known as your temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

Your TMJ can be irritated or damaged which causes it to not function properly. When it doesn’t function properly, you could get annoying symptoms like clicking or pain.

5. Whiplash

Woman lying down with eyes closed being assessed by chiropractor

Whiplash is an injury to your neck that usually occurs after some sort of traumatic injury like a car accident.

When you get whiplash, your neck muscles quickly bend forward and backward. This movement can lead to neck pain and stiffness.

A chiropractor can assess your spine and the surrounding muscles to determine how they were impacted by the whiplash injury.

Once the chiropractor determines which parts were affected, they can use chiropractic treatment to restore your muscles and joints back to normal.

6. Rotator Cuff and Other Shoulder Injuries

It’s well known that chiropractors treat many people for neck and back pain. But did you know that chiropractors are able to treat shoulder pain too?

Some techniques that chiropractors use to fix your shoulder pain include soft tissue massage or mobilizing your shoulder. These techniques will provide you with relief from your pain and improve your shoulder function.

7. Sprains, Strains, and More!

As you might notice, it’s a big list of conditions!

  • Sciatica
  • Concussions
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Ankle sprains
  • Shin splints
  • Knee injuries (ACL, MCL, meniscus)
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Bursitis
  • Arthritis-related pain
  • Postural pain or stiffness

Not seeing your condition on this list? Please contact us about your condition to learn how we can best help you.

What types of Treatments Do Chiropractors Use?

For many years, even decades, Chiropractors were most commonly known for their ability to do spinal adjustments, however, modern chiropractors have many treatment tools in their toolbelt to holistically treat your condition.

This includes one or any combination of the following treatments:

  • Soft tissue therapy
  • Active Release Therapy (ART)
  • Stretching
  • Patient Education
  • Lifestyle modification counseling
  • Acupuncture
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
  • Laser therapy
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Chiropractic Adjustments ( Chiropractic Manipulation)

The Top 7 Reasons to See a Chiropractor

Chiropractors can solve more problems than you think. If you relate to any of the following statements, a chiropractor could be the answer you’re looking for! 

1. You have neck or back pain

Tired of taking medication and hoping your pain will just go away? Then a chiropractor could be the permanent solution for your pain. A chiropractor finds out what’s creating your pain and puts an end to the root cause of it. This is a much better and more long term solution than just temporarily masking your pain with medication. Your skilled chiropractor will pinpoint the exact cause of your pain and make a treatment plan that’s geared toward eliminating your pain, helping you move around your daily life without pain, and preventing your neck or back pain from coming back. 

2. You want to move around better

If you’re having trouble with everyday tasks like picking up your children or grandchildren, keeping up with your new exercise program, or bending down to tie your shoes, then you could benefit from being seen by a chiropractor. A chiropractor is an expert in movement who’s skilled in helping people like you regain their mobility! Your chiropractor will help you improve your confidence in movement while also minimizing your risk of injury through stretching programs, chiropractic adjustments, and other hands-on techniques. 

3. You suffer from headaches or migraines 

Headaches and migraines can have a large negative impact on your day. In fact, it can be so painful that it’s impossible for you to focus on your everyday tasks. Seeing a chiropractor could be the medication-free solution that you’re looking for. Headaches and migraines can sometimes be the result of tightness or pressure in your neck and spine. Your chiropractor can put an end to your discomfort by using effective and safe treatments like spinal or neck adjustments, Active Release Therapy (ART) to alleviate pressure in your head, and postural education to encourage proper alignment of your body.

4. You want to get back to your favorite activities or sports

Injuries are not only painful, but they can also prevent you from doing your favorite hobbies. A chiropractor can get you back to doing your preferred activities or sports as soon as possible, no matter what your starting point is. Your chiropractor will guide you through a step-by-step program that’s tailored toward reaching your personal goals. They’ll get you back to doing your favorite activities CONFIDENTLY and WITHOUT PAIN in no time at all! 

5. You’re looking to recover from surgery as soon as possible

If you’ve recently had any type of surgery, then a chiropractor can help get you on the right track to recover from it as quickly as possible. Chiropractors can guide the recovery of all different types of surgeries, including hip and knee replacements, shoulder replacements, ACL reconstructions, meniscus repairs, C-sections, and more! Your chiropractor will use a variety of treatments to promote the best recovery possible by managing your swelling, decreasing your pain, improving your mobility and range of motion, assisting you with early walking, and helping you return to work or school. 

6. You’re not sure about what injury or condition you have

Knowing what’s going on in your body is the first step to treating it. This isn’t something that you have to figure out alone. A chiropractor is a skilled professional in assessing and diagnosing different injuries and conditions. They’ll explain what exactly is going on in your body and guide you through a detailed treatment plan that shows you exactly how to solve it. Your chiropractic will be there every step of the way to provide you with pain relief, answer any questions that you may have, and help you reach your functional goals. 

7. You’re trying to prevent another injury 

An injury can have a large negative impact on your physical and mental state. A chiropractor can help you fully recover from your injury AND guide you through a treatment program to prevent future injuries. Your injury prevention program might look like different exercises to promote muscle balance and strength, spinal adjustments to improve function, education to reduce physical and mental stressors, guidance on proper warm-ups and cool-downs for your specific activities, and stretches to decrease the likelihood of pulled muscles or other injuries. 

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment? (Chiropractic Manipulation) 

Chiropractor Dr. Jeff Belgue treating patient back on table

One of the possible treatment methods a Chiropractor can use is a chiropractic adjustment. It’s worth noting that if you don’t feel comfortable with having a Chiropractic adjustment many Chiropractors can solve your issue without using adjustments. You just need to let them know. A chiropractic adjustment is used when a chiropractor assesses you and notices that your body, specifically your joint, isn’t moving in the way it should be.

To do an adjustment, a chiropractor uses their hands to manipulate or move your bones. Although most commonly done on your spine, a chiropractic adjustment can be done on pretty much any joint in your body. This chiropractic technique can improve the movement of a certain joint to help you move AND feel better.

In addition, a chiropractic adjustment can help to restore your body’s proper alignment, eliminate your pain, and improve your overall function. Getting a chiropractic adjustment is a good alternative to taking painkillers or other medication for pain relief. This is because an adjustment addresses the root cause of your issue and provides you with natural pain relief, unlike medications that just temporarily hide your pain.

Contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation!

How do Chiropractic Adjustments Feel?

Many people report that they feel good after an adjustment.

This is because natural endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that reduce your pain, are released during adjustments.

Some people might feel a bit sore after an adjustment, but this soreness is short-lived and should be gone in about a few hours.

Sometimes you will hear a popping noise as a Chiropractor is doing an adjustment. The noise that you hear is just the sound of some pockets of air bubbles in the fluid popping when your joint is stretched and is nothing to be concerned about.

You could benefit from getting a chiropractic adjustment from a licensed chiropractor if you have any sort of pain or discomfort in your body.

Many people have common everyday habits that could be contributing to pain in your body over time. Some of these habits could include:

  • sitting at a desk or couch for many hours in a day
  • bending your neck to look at your phone or computer screen
  • having poor posture
  • repetitively holding a small child or infant on one side of your body

Your pain could have started from a wide variety of causes such as a specific injury or a health condition. It could be in one area of your body, or maybe it spreads to different areas. Your pain might be constant, or it could come in episodes where the pain flares up and gets worse.

You might also experience symptoms other than pain which could include headaches, numbness or tingling, stiffness and decreased range of motion.

A chiropractic adjustment can be a safe and effective solution for you if you have any of the above symptoms. A registered chiropractor can assess you to be sure that an adjustment will be effective in helping you with your condition.


Chiropractic adjustments do have their place. They can be very effective in treating all sorts of pains in the body, including back and neck pain.

One study looked at the effectiveness of neck adjustments in treating neck pain on a group of 272 people. After 12 weeks of treatment, it was shown that chiropractic adjustments were more effective than over-the-counter medications in treating neck pain over both the short AND long term.

There was another study published by Harvard Medical School that looked at the effect of chiropractic care in treating lower back pain in 750 people with back pain.

After six weeks of getting adjustments, these individuals reported that their lower back pain was less intense, they had improvement in function, and they also needed less pain medication.

In addition, many patients can testify to the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment in treating many areas of the body.

As you can see, numerous studies and patients have supported the idea that chiropractic adjustments WORK to help ELIMINATE PAIN and get you back to where you want to be!

All this being said, our policy at PhysioPlus is if you don’t feel comfortable with adjustments that’s totally fine. We’ll find another way to help you get rid of your pain.


You don’t need a referral to see a chiropractor in Canada!

Chiropractors are independent healthcare members that you can see without a referral from a doctor.

Chiropractic services are covered by many extended healthcare plans.

Your insurance company might require a doctor’s referral for the appointment to be covered by your insurance plan. Please contact your insurance company or employer directly to confirm details about your insurance coverage.


Chiropractic care isn’t covered by OHIP, but a lot of extended health insurance plans cover chiropractic care.

Some clinics directly bill many major insurance companies.

Contact your insurance company directly if you don’t know if your plan covers chiropractic care.


Choosing the right physiotherapist can be a big decision. We’re dedicated to answering any questions you have to help you make the best choice. Contact us today and ask us anything!



Are chiropractors doctors?

Chiropractors are healthcare professionals that have a minimum of 7 years of post-secondary education plus other requirements to be a member of the College of Chiropractors of Ontario (CCO).

As members of the CCO, chiropractors are titled doctors of chiropractic care.

They aren’t medical doctors, but have completed many years of training so that they can successfully treat issues related to your body.

Can chiropractic adjustments cause arthritis?

There’s no evidence to prove that chiropractic adjustments cause arthritis.

In fact, chiropractic care can actually improve symptoms for some types of arthritis like osteoarthritis. It can help your reduce your pain and restore mobility in your joints.

Chiropractors take extra care if you have some inflammatory types of arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis to prevent your joints from experiencing a flare up during treatment.

A chiropractor will carefully consider your specific type of arthritis and create a safe treatment plan to help treat and alleviate your pain if you have arthritis.

Some treatment that could be included in your treatment plan to help with your arthritis-related pain and stiffness include mobilizations, soft tissue massage, ultrasound, acupuncture, electrotherapy, and more.

How do I know if I need to see a Chiropractor?

As mentioned above, chiropractors can treat a wide variety of injuries and conditions. Chances are if you are experiencing musculoskeletal pain or range of motion limitations, a chiropractor can help you find some relief. The best way to know for sure is to book an initial appointment with a chiropractor so they can perform an assessment for you.